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Books Bring the Wild World to Life
My Wildlife Picture Books feature stunning images from wildlife photographer Stan Tekiela
Weather and the Water Cycle
Beginning readers can learn about a variety of weather wonders with a new edition of some of my Ready-to-Read titles
The Importance of Teaching Kids Gratitude
Gratitude is a value that can never be taught too early
Pets Can Help Kids Build Reading Skills
Here are some suggestions for how your four-legged family members can help young readers improve their skills
Give Beginning Readers a Geography Boost
Beginning readers can take a memorable geography journey through the pages of the 50 States to Celebrate books
Wild Ways to Keep Out the Cold
Animals survive the cold, dark days using a number of innovative strategies
A New Weather Ready-to-Read Is on the Way
Beginning readers can learn about the ups and downs of October weather in the Ready-to-Read titles
Inspiring Big Thoughts
I’m honored by another thoughtful review for my most recent picture book
The Top of the Book Pile
There’s still time to add some scary fun to your Halloween reading list!
Turn Your Students into “Ready Kids”
Be sure to check out these important disaster-preparation resources for kids, families, and educators
Send Students Soaring Through the Solar System
Check out a STEM pairing that will have your students seeing stars
“Great Educational and Interactive Book”
Toddlers can take a top-to-bottom tour of themselves with this fan favorite
Bring Your Students Together as Readers
Have you tried readers theater in your classroom? Be sure to check out this teacher’s success story and tips!
Inspire Students to Create Their Own Masterpieces
Kids will find it hard to resist these hands-on techniques for creating their own marbled paper
I’m Celebrating Another Book Birthday!
The sky’s no limit for beginning readers who take on the Our Universe Ready-to-Read titles!
Back-to-School Resources
Educators can find a wide range of free book resources at my website